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/// Solutions

Executive Advisement

At times, professionals require support to identify, clarify, and develop individual career or organizational goals. In addition, career transitions, differing management styles, organizational challenges, and employee interpersonal dynamics often create a need for consultation from an advisor who can provide an unbiased perspective. We provide the one-on-one advisement that a successful business leader needs.

Advertising Best Practices

How should you spend your ad budget? Which media should be used and in what percentages to get an optimum ROI? Should you invest in social media programs and personnel? What should you spend on creative? What results should you expect? We provide the unbiased roadmap to focus your efforts and budget on programs that generate the best response.

Integrity-Based Sales Training

Integrity Selling is an ongoing, needs-focused sales curriculum that improves the way organizations attract and retain customers. Our programs also help organizations further develop professional sales teams, strengthen client relationships, and decrease the high cost of turnover. In fact, more than 1.8 million sales and service professionals in 80 countries have benefited from our programs over the past 40 years.

Exit and Succession Planning

Business succession planning is an important part of the business process. Many people are unclear as to the difference between having a succession plan and having an exit strategy. In the simplest terms, the succession process involves replacing the owner of a company by moving key employees and/or family members into leadership positions and preserving the value of the company. An exit plan focuses more on the monetary aspect of extracting maximum value from the company in order to reach the owner’s financial goals and allowing the owner to pursue the next stage of his or her life.

Our goal is to provide you with independent, objective exit- and succession-planning advice that meets your personal needs, maximizes your business’s value and minimizes its taxes. We use succession and management programs to strengthen your management team and increase your company’s profits.

M&A Advisement

Successful deal making requires experience and a well-defined strategy. The primary questions behind every deal should be How will buying this asset make my existing business more valuable? and How will I bring value to the asset I’m buying? The answers are rooted in strategy – and strategy is our heritage. With nearly 30 years of experience helping companies develop time-tested business-opportunity strategies, we understand the types of deals that create value and those that don’t.

Sales and Marketing 2.0

Our Sales and Marketing 2.0 success models use an engagement approach where thought leadership, social media, automated prospect participation, and value-oriented communication methods are deployed as sales capture tools. Our entire company participates in the sales cycle and contributes to revenue capture.

Revenue Scorecard

CoreComp Advisors specializes in the Revenue Scorecard – a business-success program that holistically analyzes your business potential for revenue growth against industry best practices that work in today’s economy. Once your analysis is completed, we produce a detailed roadmap of action steps necessary to grow your business. We work in tandem with you and your team to implement the plan.

Successful Product Launch

Many new products or services are launched into the marketplace with little prior planning for targeting customers, creating a sales strategy, developing a distribution strategy, training the sales force, and integrating the competitive strategy. This mistake significantly reduces or eliminates any potential profit the product may have and greatly increases the sales development time. These problems must be avoided if a company wants to survive in today’s competitive marketplace.

CoreComp Advisors has a heritage of creating, implementing, and measuring successful product launches. Our firm specializes in helping new and Fortune 500 companies successfully position their new products and services to maximize early sales and profits.

Expense Reduction

Expense Reduction Analysts (ERA) helps organizations improve profitability through cost, purchase, and supplier management. What makes ERA different is our working knowledge that drives savings and growth. Our expertise, combined with an unbiased perspective and sensitivity to your staff’s concerns, relieves the internal resistance companies often face when performing cost-cutting initiatives on their own.

Business Valuation

CoreComp Advisors works with business owners, their accountants, attorneys, insurance agents, or financial advisors regarding the value of their business. We can help business owners settle differences, value a business for estate and gift tax purposes, and counsel clients regarding the sale or acquisition of a business. We work with business owners, whatever the reason for the valuation. We also provide consulting services on how to maximize the value of a business.

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